Mobile massage therapy, integrating mind, body and spirit

Bringing healing right to your home, from beautiful Burlington, Vermont.


  • Swedish Massage

    Swedish massage (also called Relaxation massage) is an integrated massage therapy focusing on stress-relief, improved circulation and creating a feeling of wellness and peace. Swedish massage uses moderate pressure, and while it typically focuses on relaxing and integrating the whole body, more focused sessions to work on specific parts of the body can be performed too.

  • Deep Tissue Massage

    Deep tissue massage uses deep pressure massage working specific muscles and connective tissues, promoting both full-body wellness and healing in specific areas of pain or tension. Deep tissue sessions can be booked for the full body (this session can also be called “Deep Swedish”) or to address specific issue areas in more targeted, therapeutic ways.

  • CranioSacral Therapy

    CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle form of bodywork focused on working with subtle rhythms of cerebrospinal fluid movement. According to the Upledger Institute, CST “is a gentle, hands-on approach to evaluating and enhancing the craniosacral system, which is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.

    CST is a complementary treatment that releases tensions deep in the body to help reduce pain, relieve dysfunction, and improve whole-body health and performance. By facilitating the body's natural and innate healing processes, CST is increasingly used as a preventive healthcare measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease. “

  • Reflexology

    Reflexology is a type of massage that applies deep pressure to specific points on the hands and feet that correspond to organs and systems of the body. If you’re new to Reflexology, you can read more about it here!

  • Aromatherapy

    Aromatherapy is the use of plant essential oils to promote mental and physical wellness. I offer a variety of essential oils to clients, which can be added to massage oil and applied to the skin and/or dispersed in the massage room.

    You can add aromatherapy on to any Swedish, Deep Tissue or Hot Stone Therapy session!

  • Hydrotherapy

    Hydrotherapy is the use of water for therapeutic benefit. I offer foot and hand soaks in epsom salt water, as well as steamed hot towel wraps. You can add hydrotherapy on to any Swedish, Deep Tissue or Hot Stone session!

Rates & Fees

  • Choose from any of the modalities I practice, and we can come up with any combination of them to meet your specific needs.

    • 60 minutes: $55-90

    • 90 minutes: $85-135

    • Two or more 30-minute sessions*: $40-50 per session

    *If more than one person in your household wants a 30-minute session, I am willing to take multiple clients for a minimum of 2 30-minute sessions in a row.

  • Please note that I am only accepting house call clients until otherwise noted. These fees will be added to the price of your session, so you get the ease and comfort of massage at your home!

    • Within the City of Burlington: $25. Please have an off-street parking space available for me!

    • Outside Burlington: Clients may be accepted on a case-by-case basis. I charge a base rate of $25 plus $1 per mile of driving.

I strive to give my clients a complete experience of peace, healing and restoration.

It’s crucial for me to make my massage practice as integrative and trauma-informed as possible. Your safety, wellness and healing are of the utmost importance to me, and I want us to be in open communication about your needs for safety, care and well-being.

FAQs & Policies

  • About Massage

    Massage is a type of therapeutic body work whose use for healing and relaxation dates back thousands of years. Massage uses touch to manipulating the client’s soft tissues to encourage relaxation, improve circulation and reduce stress. Massage can also increase flexibility and range of motion, improve muscle tone, encourage lymphatic movement and aid with digestion.

    Scope of Practice

    I offer massage therapy services in Swedish (relaxation) massage, deep tissue and reflexology.

    Swedish massage, also called relaxation massage, is a type of massage therapy focused on muscle relaxation, targeting the superficial muscles and improving circulation.

    Deep tissue massage is a type of massage that uses slower, deeper strokes to target deeper muscles and connective tissue. It is particularly used to treat musculoskeletal issues such as strains.

    Reflexology is a type of massage that works to stimulate relaxation and improve circulation within the organs and muscles of the body by applying pressure to specific reflex “points” on the hands and feet. For more information, check out the International Institute of Reflexology website.

    Contraindications of Massage

    Some medical conditions can be worsened or exacerbated by receiving massage. When you fill out your intake form, we will go over your medical history to ensure massage is safe and healthy for you.

  • I am a registered massage therapist in the state of Vermont.

    I am completing my 630-hour Massage Practitioner Training through Green Mountain Massage School in May 2023. This intensive and diverse program included comprehensive training in several modalities including Swedish (relaxation) massage, deep tissue, reflexology and Thai yoga massage, as well as complementary training in energy healing, hot stone massage, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy and spa bodywork.

    I completed my CranioSacral I training through the Upledger Institute in June 2023.

    I completed a 60-hour training in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy through the Embody Lab in January 2023, and I incorporate some elements of somatic healing modalities into my massage practice. I strive to make my massage practice trauma-informed and as physically and energetically safe as possible.

    I am enrolled in the MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program at Goddard College, and will be working towards my certification as a mental health counselor over the next 2-3 years.

    I also hold a BA in Political Science from Columbia University and a MSc in Political Sociology from the London School of Economics. I completed my 200-hr Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in 2010, and I incorporate elements of yoga philosophy and breathwork into my massage practice as well.

    My public disclosure statement is available here.

  • New Clients

    If you are a new client, please schedule at least 10 minutes before your session time for us to chat. This gives us time to go over your intake forms, discuss your needs and make a plan for our first session together.

    Please fill out your new client intake form (available here), consent to treatment form (available here), consent to policies form (available here), and general liability form (available here) and have them with you at your first session, or be prepared to fill them out before your session when we’re together.

    What to Expect: Before Your Appointment

    I request that you shower or bathe prior to beginning your session. I also request that you do not wear open-toed shoes to avoid the transmission of extra dirt or bacteria into the massage room.

    Before your first appointment, you will be asked to fill out and sign an intake form, a general liability waiver, and a policies and consent form. We will then discuss your needs and healing goals for the session. Again, please schedule at least 15 minutes before your first appointment with me.

    What to Expect: At the Appointment

    I will arrive at the address you provide for me with my massage table, fresh massage sheets and any other additional items we may need for the session (bolsters, pillows, hot stones, etc.) I will set up my things where you indicate you would like your massage, and we will go over your forms and health goals. If you are a new client, we’ll talk more in-depth about your health history and overall goals. If you are a returning client, we’ll still check in about any changes in your medical history, needs or goals for the session.

    For hot stone therapy, or hot stone add-ons to Swedish or deep tissue sessions, I will need an additional 10 minutes prior to the session to heat up the stones, and a nearby available electrical outlet as well as a source of hot water for my stone roaster.

    For Swedish and deep tissue massage, I will leave the room to give you time to undress to your comfort level and get on the massage table, in between the sheets. You are free to remove as much or as little clothing as you feel comfortable with. I will indicate to you prior to leaving whether you should lie on your back or on your stomach. Once you are undressed, on the table and under the sheet, I will knock on the door to make sure you are ready before I come back into the room to begin the session.

    During the session, any areas of your body not being worked on at the time will be covered with a sheet. I also have blankets and a table heater available for cold days!

    I typically play slow, relaxing music during our sessions. If you do not wish to have music played, please let me know before we get started.

    I typically remain quiet and focused while I work, but will respond to your questions and comments. I will check in with you from time to time throughout the session regarding pressure, temperature and general comfort. I will be as attentive as I can be to your body, but only you know what your own sensations are, so please let me know immediately if you experience any pain or discomfort. Even deeper massage should still not be painful!

    After the session is over, I will leave the room again to give you time to get dressed. I’m usually happy to stick around for a few minutes, time permitting, to chat with you about the session or anything you want to work on for our next session!


    Everything you say to me during our sessions will remain confidential. I do not disclose my client’s names to the public, and will neither confirm nor deny to anyone that you are my client unless you explicitly offer that information yourself.

  • Payment

    Payment is due at the time of service. For new clients, credit card information is required prior to your appointment, in case of a no-show. I accept cash, credit and debit cards, and Venmo.

    Late Arrivals

    Of course, unforeseen circumstances do occur, and I will do my best to accommodate you if you are running late. However, I typically cannot extend your appointment past the scheduled time, and I do not offer discounts or refunds if you are running late and I have to shorten your appointment. If you are running late, it helps a great deal if you can let me know in advance. That gives me the chance to adjust the plan for your session.

    I will make every effort to run on-time. If for any reason I am running late, I will extend your session or adjust the price of the session to the change in duration.

    Cancellation/No Show Policy

    Appointments can be cancelled, changed or rescheduled up until 24 hours before their scheduled time. Any appointments cancelled or rescheduled within 24 hours will be charged the price for that session.

    If you miss an appointment due to an emergency (a medical reason, death in the family, or any other serious event), please let me know and I may waive the appointment fee. Likewise, if there is an extreme weather event that impedes travel, contact me and we will try to reschedule your appointment for another time!

  • Please reschedule your appointment if you are sick, whether or not you are sick with Covid-19! Please try to cancel your appointment more than 24 hours in advance if you are feeling sick. In the event of acute illness or a medical emergency, let me know as soon as you can and I may waive the cancellation fee.

    If I fall ill and have to cancel your appointment, I will let you know and reschedule your appointment at no additional cost.

    Please let me know prior to your session if you would like me to wear a face mask. If you would like me to test myself for Covid-19 before arriving at your house, please let me know in advance and be willing to pay an additional $10 charge for the test.

  • Minors

    I will only perform massage on minors with their parent or legal guardian present in the room for the entire duration of the massage. The minor and their parent/legal guardian will need to fill out an additional minor intake form and liability waiver.

  • Sexual Impropriety

    Sexual behavior by the client toward the therapist or by the therapist toward the client is unacceptable. Sexual harassment, language or innuendo will not be tolerated. If the therapist's or client's safety feels compromised, the session will be terminated immediately. If I terminate your session due to impropriety, you will be charged the full cost for your session.

    Abusive Behavior

    We are entering into a therapeutic relationship in which we agree to treat each other with respect. Verbal abuse, rude language and disrespectful actions will not be tolerated. I will let you know immediately if your behavior feels abusive or makes me uncomfortable. If the issue is serious or repeated, I may end the appointment without a refund.


    Please do not show up to your appointment intoxicated in any way. I will not perform massage on intoxicated clients or clients under the influence of any mind-altering substances. If you arrive to your appointment intoxicated, I will have to cancel your appointment and charge you the full cost of the session.

  • You will need to fill out the following forms before we begin our first session: